What textbooks can feel like. Source: http://xkcd.com/971/ .
To me, textbooks are useful tools for teachers to use and draw from, but not to just hand out to students and assign large portions for reading. There are passages from textbooks (as well as passages from other texts) that can be very useful, and I think D & Z are a bit too harsh on them. However, I think that we need to be extremely critical of textbook authority. This Newsweek article has some good points about some really bad textbooks. http://www.newsweek.com/2014/10/03/textbook-case-bad-textbooking-texas-272351.html
I think it's too easy to just say that textbooks are all bad or mostly bad. For the most part, I think they are generally pretty inefficient, outdated, and occasionally just wrong. But I think it's more useful to look towards what we could be doing with textbooks. Textbooks are, in their purest form, just an organization of a broad range of materials on a few topics that some people decided were important for students to know. This is exactly like what a curriculum is! The problem is that the agenda of a textbook and the agenda of a classroom don't always match up. So we need to be careful not to rely on textbooks, and we have to always be aware that they can be wrong. But they also have a broad range of materials, and this can be beneficial for teachers to increase the repertoire of materials that they are comfortable with and can draw from.
The other major problem I have with textbooks, though, is the fact that they present a version of history, and this version tends to ignore certain people or viewpoints. We have to always remember that textbook does not equal pure and equal truth, and that they tend to revise history in a way that propels only certain viewpoints. I think that educators in History and Social Studies are generally pretty aware of this, but English teachers are not necessarily as aware of this. The texts that editors of textbooks choose to put forth, as well as the commentary they choose to use for these texts, is a version of history, and it may very well be one that is racist, or denies the history of another people.
We need to be cautious with textbooks, but they can be valuable resources.